
Collectif LesAssociés

In God, in love, in material goods. It is always a story that sums up hope, the way out of our frustrations, and our revolts. Belief idealises our commitments, it sets itself up as a necessity, and transcends geographical and social boundaries. Belief is a passion, a tenacious faith that nourishes itself on human impulses. The LesAssociés collective is presenting three series that each explore a powerful desire. Transcendence in Sanctuary by Elie Monferier, a journey into the exaltation of a pilgrimage to Lourdes ; the promised land in Michaël Parpet’s Promised Land, paints a portrait of communities torn apart by their faith when it claims to be a country; and social emancipation, silently carried by Joël Peyrou’s worker-priests in his series The Invisible. These works sum up the irrationality of belief and how, when it feeds on absolutism, it is confronted with its negation.

artists              Elie Monferier, Michaël Parpet, Joël Peyrou
                 partners          Collectif LesAssociés, Fotohaus