Le nid
Francesca TODDE
Residency realized between october, december 2022 and march, april 2023.
"When I arrived in Arles, I thought I would work on a project about jackdaws, small blue-eyed corvids that populate ancient cities in great numbers, nesting in the hollows of ancient walls and towers. I have been going to Arles for seven years now during the Rencontres, and every time I arrive in the city, I am greeted as I get off the train by the soft, rhythmic sound of jackdaws playing in the mistral wind. While living during my residency on the top floor of the Foundation, located in the Hôtel Blain, 18 rue de la Calade, I gradually got to know each stone, chimney, wall and door of this marvelous palace, which houses one of the finest examples of a seventh century staircase still visible in Arles. Driven by the desire to bear witness to the beauty of intimacy with a place, I began a photographic survey of the palace, during my nightly visits.The hotel, after passing through the hands of many owners, became in the 1960s an annex of a birthing clinic, the Clinique du Nid, located at the next number on the street. So there was a connection, at least nominal, between the two objects of my interest, the palace and the jackdaws, and I began to work in that direction.I began to collect the testimonies of people who were born in the Nest Clinic, or who lived in the palace, or who worked there. At the same time, I began to learn about the nesting and meeting places of the jackdaws in the area of the city.These two researches will be combined in a single project called The Nest." explains Francesca Todde.
These two researches will be combined in a single project called Le Nid.
Production in collaboration with L'Atelier du Palais, a risography printing studio in Arles.

Hillel Ben-Zeev Perlov
Residency realized in January and February 2023.
"The Shivtown project is about the three years I spent as a military photographer in the Shivta artillery base in the Negev desert of Israel. I was a soldier called up for obligatory service in which I carried a camera as a weapon.
In the winter of 2020, during the second lockdown, I was in Arles. While confined, I was able to do some introspective work and write about my service. The intense writing invited me to look at the negatives I had photographed at the time in the base from a new angle. In a short documentary (in progress), I try to bring these memories to life through the process of analog print production. This long process of introspection confronts me with the trauma I experienced as a soldier. I wish to question and deconstruct the image of heroism and national pride through the story of my father, who miraculously survived the Yom Kippur War, as well as an episode of sexual harassment that I experienced in Shivta and which was photographed without my knowledge.
While in Arles, during my residency at the Foundation, I continue to reactivate these memories through the historical-antique resemblance between these two territories located on either side of the Mediterranean Sea: the ancient Nabatean city of Shivta whose remains remain next to the artillery base that bears its name, and the Roman antiquities of the city of Arles. This is how I wish to approach the fragility of the geopolitics of my native country," says Hillel Ben-Zeev Perlov.
This research is the result of the duo Maïell

Art Residencies
The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation receives artists' residencies at the Foundation to develop and accompany their projects. See the previous residencies below.
JTC + Arles
Chuan Lun WU
Residency realized in June and July 2023
"JTC is a project I initiated in Tainan, Taiwan, in 2012. It has evolved from typological photography to a mixed-media installation. Replacing the usual paper prints with sublimation prints on custom-designed metal plates, as well as transposing industrial containers into elegant ceramic pots, represent the project's two main innovations.
During my residency in Arles, we produced two new types of ceramic pots locally. Attraction Terrestre skilfully fashioned common local terracotta into an industrial-style barrel, adding a precious touch of terroir style to the project. The rectangular pots, which represented an initial challenge, were made by Memento Temporï in Brittany and poterie Le Chêne Vert in Anduze, both of which demonstrated experienced craftsmanship and a willingness to take on challenges. These pots, which I thought impossible to make, became reality. Throughout the residency, I also documented the streetscape of potted plants in the La Roquette district of Arles, discovering distinct cultures of intertwined plant pots," says Chuan Lun WU.
With the support of the Centre Culturel de Taïwan in Paris, and partners: ChromaLuxe, Pacific Colour, Attraction terrestre, Le Chêne vert and Memento Temporï.

Residency realized from June to July 2022.
DOUBLURE performance for the opening of the exhibition DRESS CODE. Following the residency, Juline directed the film DOUBLUNE shown at the Foundation.

Female name
1. A person who temporarily replaces the one who should be there. 2. Fabric used to cover the intimate surface of a garment.
The performance proposed by Juline Darde Gervais questions the timeless figure of the Arlesienne through her gestural and clothing lining. The performer Nikita Goile goes in search of her, taking with her the audience of the Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation.
Juline Darde Gervais is a visual artist & designer based in Paris, France. A graduate of the Arts Décoratifs de Paris in clothing design, she has enriched her practice through numerous experiences and collaborations in the performing arts and cinema. As a researcher, she explores the plastic potential of the body as a "stage body", in its capacity to deploy strong images between fantasy and abstraction.